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New Team.
Bigger Wins.

Join Her Competitive Advantage (HCA) and become part of an elite talent pool of current and former collegiate female athletes (CFAs).


Through our platform, you'll be able to be recruited by companies that recognize your potential and value your unique background.


Join the best team you've ever been on!


Systemic barriers and high costs prevent organizations from connecting with and hiring highly-talented women known for their proven business success and skills that go beyond traditional resumes - current and former collegiate female athletes (CFAs). 

HCA: Where potential meets opportunity.

The Staggering Statistics

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75% of Collegiate Female Athletes graduate without a job

(Source: HCA Survey)

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4% of college graduates in the US graduate without a job

(Source: US Census Bureau)

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When Collegiate Female Athletes get their first job, they make 30% less than their non-athlete counterparts.

(Source: HCA Survey)

Business Insider recently came out with an article that said if you graduate underemployed or unemployed, you will remain that for over 10 years.

Why 75% of  collegiate female athletes are graduating without a job

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Empowered. Connected. Hired.
Together we can minimize The Lost Years.

Current and Former Collegiate Female Athletes

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